At KunWay, our purpose is to secure environment and advance sustainability through transformative innovation. We Focus on the Drone product, AI System design and development to provide appropriate solutions for Drone applications. Our solutions give our customers a fresh vantage point, positioning them to see the world with new eyes and extending their reach beyond the line of sight.
Our customers choose KunWay because our systems generate actionable intelligence reliably, creating a path to goals that would otherwise be unattainable.
坤暐科技成立於 2012 年,擁有多年無人機核心------飛控系統的研發和生產經驗,目前進駐嘉義AI無人機中心,專注在科技無人機領域,並持續開發結合AI科技的技術,以期未來可以實現精準作業。成立以來,坤暐不斷在技術上取得突破, 公司曾獲選工研院創新俱樂部成員。 坤暐深耕無人機與AI領域,秉持一貫的軍規標準 ,持續依據客戶使用需求,投入研發、優化產品,提升無人機性能與售後服務品質。